American Kenpo Homecoming/The Journey Bundle Offer!
The American Kenpo Homecoming Video
features over 74 minutes of interviews and some action footage of 13 of the Highest Ranking Seniors in American Kenpo.
Seven years later, 9 of them were selected to be featured in The Journey.
The Journey
features the Personal Stories of 24 of the Most Prominent American Kenpoists of Today As told to Joe Hyams ("Zen in the Martial Arts") Collectively over 1,000 years of martial arts training!
Actual size 8 x 11, 385 pages.
View a 1.6MB Quicktime Preview.or download the 1.7MB .avi | Cover and Interior Portrait Artwork for The Journey by Ed Parker, Jr. Used with permission from Ed Parker Jr. | |
The following Black Belts are featured in BOTH The American Kenpo Homecoming video AND The Journey (and some of them tell parts of the same story): | |
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