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Welcome to the Hot News archive page. This is the first one and has been named "reggie.htm" in honor of Reggie McMahon..
Burial services were Thursday May 4, 2000 at Providence Funeral Home in Taylor, Texas. Mr. Duffy, his wife Lee and son Colin, as well as Mary Rodriguez and Darren Jordaan from Brian Duffy's Kenpo Karate attended the services. At the end of the service the group did a formal salute as a final send off to our Kenpo brother.
Reggie is survived by his four children: daughter Shauna A. McMahon; and three sons Matthew Keith Chrisner; Gabriel Alan McMahon; and Nicholas Louis McMahon, all of Red Rock. A trust fund has been set up for the children and donations can be sent to McMahon Children Trust Fund, Coupland State Bank, P.O. Box 187, Coupland, Texas 78615.
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